〰️ Red E For School
100 BAG GOAL 〰️ Red E For School
Emergency hygiene bags for menstruating teens
Red E Bags is a mission to help children in our communities understand they're deserving of resources during a very confusing time in their lives.
Red E Bags is a concept created by Kitty Kistler, lifetime advocate for social change and life coach for personal empowerment. Together, with a team of incredible women donors, she has been able to bring this mission to life.
"Red" is not only a color associated with menstruation, but is also the acronym for READY, EQUIPPED, DESERVING, and the way we want all preteens and teens to feel when they are learning more about their bodies.
E is for Emergency, and that's what these bags are intended for. They are for those who are caught unprepared and for those who can't afford or don't have access to sanitary supplies.
Bags are gender neutral supply packs that allows for discreet distribution to students.
Put it all together and that spells Red E Bags.